And the Scientists Screamed, But No One Listened
An astronaut sits in space, holding a popped Earth balloon in his hands. Blood spills out as he stares sadly at the balloon, knowing it could have been prevented. In the helmet, the Earth is still whole, and in tact--only a memory now. Scientists try to warn us of the damage we are doing to the planet, but there are so many people that refuse to believe it's happening, or refuse to believe we should try to help. This makes fighting climate change so much harder than it already would be. Even though it's not his fault, the weight of failure sits heavy on the astronaut as he looks at the ruin of our planet, knowing he tried his best, but that it wasn't good enough to overcome ignorance and skepticism.
This is the original work of art, and is set up to be printed on a 20x16 canvas. As a digital artist working in a digital medium, sizes can be fluid until it is printed.
Smaller sizes are available as art prints at a discounted rate.